Improved the program’s overall performance (macOS version),.The program now operates more efficiently on the newest macOS systems,.Added a new tool – Measure – which allows users to measure distances on models,.Added a new tool – Add Text – which allows users to create a text to be printer on the model’s surface,.Minor support and raft generation fixes on resin printers.Removed a pop-up note about the Autorotate after pasting a model into the platform,.Improved a double-click opening of program-related files on Windows and macOS,.Fixed a bug where saving the resignation from displaying a pop-up note about the need to scale the model when using high-temp filaments on Zortrax Endureal would not work,.Fixed a bug where sending files to Inkspire through the Add Files option in My Devices panel would cause problems,.Fixed a bug where the program would not copy models on macOS,.Fixed a bug where occasionally incorrect choice of settings would be displayed in the Print settings step,.Fixed a bug where the program would not save the choice of the default printer in the Preferences tab,.Inkspire 2: Added support for Henkel/Loctite 3D 3172 HDT50 High Impact resin.With the release of the next versions, Z-SUITE will be supported on Mac OS Catalina and newer versions of the system. Z-SUITE 2.31.0 is the last version supported on Mac OS Mojave operating system.

ULTRAT-based, PLA Pro-based, ASA Pro-based, SEMIFLEX-based, ABS 2-based, ESD PETG-based,.Added support for a few external filaments:.Ultracur3D® ST 80 G with 0.1 mm layer thickness.Ultracur3D® ST 80 with 0.1 mm layer thickness,.Ultracur3D® RG 1400 with 0.05 mm layer thickness.Ultracur3D® RG 1100 B with 0.05 mm layer thickness,.Ultracur3D® RG 35 B with 0.05 and 0.1 mm layer thickness,.Ultracur3D® RG 3280 with 0.05 mm layer thickness,.Added support for several BASF Forward AM resins:.